Advice Recipient Evaluations of Advice

Measures from:

Guntzviller, L. M., & MacGeorge, E. L. (2013). Modeling interactional influence in advice exchanges: Advice giver goals and recipient evaluations. Communication Monographs, 80, 83-100. doi: 10.1080/03637751.2012.739707

Responses ranged from 1 = disagree to 5 = strongly agree.

Efficacy/Feasibility Evaluation

I believe that the advised action could help to improve my
I perceive that the advised action could help to fix my problems
I think that the advised action could solve my difficulties
The advice given is something I could do
I am capable of accomplishing the advised action
It is possible for me to do the recommended action

Absence of Limitations Evaluation

I predict that the advised action will have serious drawbacks
I can see that the advised action has significant disadvantages
I can tell that the advised action would have undesirable effects

Note: All items reverse worded.

Positive Facework Evaluation

The advice showed that my friend approved of me
The advice showed that my friend understood me
The advice made me feel that my friend identified with me
The advice made me feel good about myself

Negative Facework Evaluation

The advice made it clear that I could choose whether or not to
take it
The advice was respectful of my right to make my own
The advice leaves me free to do what I want to do
The advice showed consideration for my independence


The advised action is something I had already planned to do
I had already anticipated doing what the advice told me to do
The advice recommends I do something I had already intended
to do